Can You Handle It?: A Woman-Centered Dialogue on Sex

Can You Handle It?: A Woman-Centered Dialogue on Sex

On Wednesday, March 19th, Women and Gender Studies, Wellness, Alcohol, and Violence Education and Services, NHPC Sororities, and Pan Hellenic members held the first part of a dialogue series centered on sex. The event began with everyone in attendance writing on various posters their reactions to the words “sexuality, sexual orientation, celibacy, sex and empowerment, and stereotypes about women”. Afterwards, the group entered a discussion about their perceptions of the terms and how they felt about what was written about the terms. Various students explored double standards regarding the amount of sexual partners men can have versus women, slut shaming, rape culture, and asexuality.

Once the discussion ended, the group viewed a video about sexual assault. The video displayed a situation where a student was at a party, drank, and was sexually assaulted by a man at the party. As the video progressed, it showed the stories of various people throughout the night that could have prevented the assault by either making sure the woman got to safety or simply checking if she could find the rest of her friends. At the end of the video, they played the night out in reverse and showed what the bystanders could have done to take action and prevent assault. The video raised awareness of the importance of speaking up and looking out for others in situations where drinking is involved.

Finally, Wellness, Alcohol, and Violence Education and Services (WAVES) presented an informational session about different forms of contraceptives and their benefits and detriments. Angela Johnson informed the group about internal/external condoms, birth control pills and patches, IUDs, cervical caps, and more.